Welcome to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast. We are talking all about our bodies and addressing a very important topic called Health At Every Size in this episode. Today, I am honored to talk to Emily Cooper, a therapist who specializes and is so knowledgeable about health at every size, body positivity, body neutrality, and privilege.
In this episode, we talk about whether there is a “right type of body” or a “wrong type of body” and how society and diet culture impact us and how we see our bodies. Emily Cooper addressed why Health At Every Size is an important concept that improves self-respect and self-love. Health At Every Size (HAES) is an inclusive movement that supports people of all sizes, weights, and body types in addressing health directly by adopting healthy behaviors. Health At Every Size does not focus on weight as the sole indicator of health. Being thinner does not necessarily make a person healthier or happier. A “healthy body” aligns with more than one body type and across a wide range of weights.
During this episode, Emily Cooper also addresses how our perception of our body can impact our everyday lives, specifically related to work environments, social environments, relationships, intimacy and life in general.
In her discussion about Health At Every Size, Emily Cooper also addressed the concept of thin privilege and diet culture and how they impact our relationship with our body and other peoples’ bodies.
The goal of this podcast episode is to introduce you to the idea that you can start to respect your body today, no matter what size or shape. Emily beautifully shared that her hope is to give us permission to not like our bodies but still learn to live our lives, not using weight or size to indicate your worth or ability to do the things you want to do.
For more information on Emily, visit:
Instagram: @heyemilycooper
Blog: http://www.heyemilycooper.com/
Book References:
Body Respect by Linda Bacon and Lucy Aprhamor
Intuitive Eating by Linda Bacon