In This Episode, We Are Going To Get Creative

Are you guys friends? You know. You, and Anxiety. Do you guys yell at each other? Or, do you talk between yourselves in a respectful and considerate manner? This episode is all about your relationship with anxiety. Does Anxiety manipulate you into behaviors you don't want to engage in? Or, do you hold your ground when anxiety is trying to get its way? These questions might help you to determine what kind of relationship you have with the anxiety in your life. This is a really important question and a conversation that we must continually have with ourselves. Do you have a good relationship with anxiety? In today's podcast episode, we talk about How to Improve Your Relationship with
Anxiety. This includes how you talk with yourself, how you react to your anxiety and what your expectations are about its presence in your life. You guys know how much I LOVE a good metaphor. Well, this week's podcast is one BIG metaphor on how to build a better relationship with your anxiety, depression, emotions, and sensations. My goal is to give you a visual for managing and tolerating discomfort. In this episode, I also address setting boundaries with anxiety and depression but creating a relationship with anxiety AND depression. I can't wait to hear whether this is helpful for you. I find it incredibly helpful. Enjoy! Click
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HERE to learn more about CBT Schools e-course for Hair Pulling and Skin Picking, BFRB School