Got something you really want to achieve? I am guessing that you most certainly do. What is holding you back from taking on this thing you want achieve? Why can't you reach this goal? This is the big question that I am toying with right now. Why can't I? Why not Me? Why not you? It is a really tough subject, because we have to face ourselves and our possibilities, and this can be SUPER scary. Sometimes, at least for me, when we look at our big goals, we are forces to tackle our deepest limiting beliefs. "I am not enough." "I am not strong enough." "No one cares about me anyway." "What's the point. I will only ruin everything anyway." These are all limiting beliefs that stop us from reaching realistic goals. Think about it. I am guessing at least one person (or maybe millions of people) have achieved your goal, or a goal like it, already. WHY NOT YOU? "It's not special if someone else has already done it." LIMITING BELIEF!!! "I don't have what it takes!" How do you know? Thomas Edison failed 1000's of times to make the light bulb. That is one piece of proof that you probably can! Persistence people! Let's really get to know our limiting beliefs and then be SUPER mindful about them. Listen to hear more about how. :)