How Practicing Self-Respect Can Lead to Self-Compassion
Hello there CBT School Family! I am so thrilled to share another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast with you.
You guys know me well enough to know that I am a huge fan and advocate for the practice of self-compassion. I love sharing the benefits of self-compassion and helpful ways to put it into practice.
However, over the past few months, I have heard the hopelessness in some of your voices when you share with me that self-compassion just feels too hard and too triggering. Maybe you feel like you don’t deserve to be kind to yourself, which is common in Anxiety, Depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or you are afraid that practicing self-compassion will mean you lose control and become a lazy, useless bum (none of this is true, BTW).
For those of you who are struggles with self-compassion, this podcast is for you. Today we are talking all about how practicing self-respect can lead to self-compassion. Self-respect is all about honoring your right to be treated fairly and kindly. It is all about not treating yourself in a way that is disrespectful and hurtful. We all deserve to be treated equally and fairly, and this is a practice that is crucial if you ever want to master the practice of self-compassion. In this episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast, we will discuss effective ways to practice self-respect and learn how self-respect leads us towards the beneficial practice of self-compassion.
During the podcast episode, we take a look at how you can improve self-respect by addressing these important questions.
1) Do my behaviors represent and reflect self-respect?
2) Do my behaviors respect my values?
3) Do my behaviors respect my beliefs?
4) Do my behaviors allow me to achieve my goals and values?
5) What are some times I have felt a true sense of self-respect?
6) Does my behavior lead me towards a sense of mastery (of a skill or a situation)?
7) What behaviors am I doing that damage my sense of self-respect?
I hope this podcast episode brings you closer to the practice of self-respect and self-compassion. These are two concepts I am very invested in and I hope you find them helpful.